Saturday, October 16, 2010


OH. MY. #%$@*. GOSH! I'm not much of a swearing person, but I'm pretty pissed off right now!

For a few days now, my mom, dad and I have been wondering what this urine smell coming from the basement was. When we were looking around today, mom found the source.

Turns out my 2 amazing cats (Laundry Hog and Miss Spaz) peed on the wall.

Mom and dad are upset, but for a different reason than mine. They're mad because the cats peed on the wall. Yeah, I'd be mad too, but the wall they peed on was kinda crappy anyways (perhaps they were trying to tell us something?).

I'm mad because now the cats have to live outside. OUTSIDE! In a kennel! The kennel's big, but STILL! UGH!

'Rents are saying that if they do it once, they'll do it again. Ugh!

Their litterbox is inside a closet and there's a little hole in the door in which they go in and out of. Well, covering the hole is a stupid little flapping door that makes a lot of noise and I have a feeling the cats are afraid of going in and out of the litterbox BECAUSE of the flapper door.

I've noticed Miss Spaz hates the flapper. Luandry Hog runs in and out of the door really fast.

It just sucks. The 2 animals I care for so much, are there for me no matter what, and listen to my ramblin', are going to be taken away from me (outside is a long ways away in my world). I've lost so many pets in my days....why does it always seem to happen to me?

Lots o' Love,
Scarlett October (xoxo)

What's Up

Last week was mid-term conferences.....wahoo? Anyone?

I ususally don't go..unless I HAVE to (ugh, in middle school, I had these student led conferences where the student had to do all the explainin' junk. I just rushed through everything, since mom knew I was doin' a good job anyways. But I took time on the things I was most proud of).

It feels SO good when your parents say that they're proud of you! :)))) And my mom said that she's proud of my piano playing and I should play for people more often. I'd always thought she disliked it and didn't support me. Glad I found out the truth.

Lots o' Love,
Scarlett October (xoxo)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Flapjacks :)

I flipped a pancake (just to let you know, it's my first time....ever)!!!! I'm so proud of myself!!

I always used to mess them up, making them too big, flipping them too early....or too late.

But for lunch, I made cute itsy-bitsy ones and I'm a pro at flipping them (in my eyes). Mmmmmm, and I put strawberries on top with syrup.....

After A and I made pancakes for brunch/more towards lunch yesterday, I wanted to flip a pancake. I know, sounds interesting, but I wanted to prove to myself that I could flip one.

Oh, and I'm also proud of my 'newly discovered' outfits. I have to admit, I'm not the most fashion savvy person on the planet, which results in some help. So A, the fashion mastermind, helped me out Friday night with my whole closet (I shoved almost all of my clothes and shoes in one duffel bag. Yeah, don't have that many clothes).

A and I spent close to 3 hours (HOURS) tryin' on outfits and jumblin' things around. Found out my brown boots and maroon (<3) scarf are my best pieces, which is good 'cause I like them a lot.

THANK YOU A!!!!!!!!!! You made my life so much easier!! Love Ya Girl!!

Lots o' Love,
Scarlett October (xoxo)

PS~I'm gonna force myself to watch The Grudge and Silent Hill. At A's house, we watched the trailer of one and looked up pics from another. They both look freaky!! I can stand scary movies, but these look freakishly haunting!